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Saturday, June 27, 2015


On January 1, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln signed into effect the Emancipation Proclamation thereby directing that “All persons held as slaves are and henceforth shall be free.” In our countries history, this document by far is one of the most defining moments of our leap forward as a culture. But is it?

In the world of human trafficking, over 27 MILLION are enslaved globally with 4.5 MILLION of those people enslaved as sex slaves. Sickening statistics at best but not a worry here in the United States where a wise, long dead man had the guts to buck an otherwise popular system. But guess what? We are not immune for between 100,000 and 300,000 children are enslaved here in the United States as the victims of sex trafficking. And even worse (if there is such a thing) is that they are between the ages of 12 to 14.
Do I have your attention NOW?! Has that sick feeling turned to anger yet? Have you just been educated?

Who do we blame for this? I blame MEN (not all men) for these heinous crimes. Why? Well, call me old fashioned but I have firmly believed for most of my adult life that mans’ role here on this planet is to protect, nurture and provide for the female of the species. As purely as a way to guarantee the proliferation of the species, females need to be protected. These are our children, our daughters, our sisters who are being abducted and forced into a life of hell. Certain men view women and children as commodities to be captured and sold into an underworld of supply and demand. They supply the product and men (not all men) feed the demand. And what is that demand? The basest of the male species desires: Sex. Men (not all men) have let us down. They (not all) have failed the female. They need to be punished.

In the lead up to Super Bowl XLIX, law enforcement officials in 17 states arrested 600 people (mostly men) engaged is sex acts with human slaves and rescued 68 victims of human trafficking. Fourteen were JUVENILES. This vile behavior is happening right here under our noses. So, how do you put a stop to such a lucrative business that generates 13 BILLION dollars annually for the criminal industry? Eliminate the demand. Men need to step up. Somewhere there is a man who knows a man who knows another man who engages in these practices. The whistle must be blown. The curtain has to be pushed aside. The secret must unfold. If you or anyone you know has information regarding these terrible acts then you must come forward. If you engage in such acts then take a good long look in the mirror and see what the scum of the earth looks like and decide whether to be a good man or remain a useless carbon based life form.

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